Is Boxabl a Good Investment? [Reddit 2024]

Is Boxabl a Good Investment? Boxabl casita homes are solid and long-lasting. They can withstand strong winds and heavy rain, making an investment that is worthwhile in storms. They are very energy efficient and will save you on your electricity costs.

As the world grows as we advance, people seek different ways to put their money into it. Real estate is believed as the most popular choice on the list of investments that are popular however, what is other?

Boxabl homes provide a unique and attractive alternative for investing in real estate.

This article will explain why Boxabl homes are an excellent investment.

Find out the most important information you need to know before purchasing one.

What Exactly is a Boxabl Home?

Boxabl homes are pre-fabricated homes constructed from modular and reusable panels. The panels are constructed of various materials like metal, wood, and concrete.

They are put together using interlocking joints. This construction technique allows homes to be constructed swiftly and efficiently, leaving little destruction.

Boxabl homes are also highly customizable and allow homeowners to pick from a range of designs, finishes, and fittings.

They are an ideal option for those looking for the ability to construct their own homes because they provide many advantages over stick-built houses.

As an example, because the panels are manufactured in advance and pre-fabricated, there is less site-specific construction needed, which could help save time and money.

In addition, Boxabl homes are typically more energy efficient than conventional homes due to they are modular and help minimize the loss of heat.

Since the houses are constructed of modular components that can be easily expanded and modified as needed they are an ideal solution for expanding families.

How Much Does a Boxabl Home Cost?

Here’s a look at the cost of the various types of Boxabl homes:

  • One-bedroom houses cost anything from $100,000 and $150,000.
  • Two-bedroom homes are priced between $200,000 and $250,000
  • Three-bedroom homes are priced between $300,000 and $350,000.

As you will see, the price of a home in the Boxabl style is dependent on the number of bedrooms it houses. Keep in mind that these only estimates that are not the exact cost of a specific home could be different from these figures.

If you’re considering buying a Boxabl home, you should contact an agent who specializes in this kind of property. They can assist you in finding the ideal property for your requirements and budget.

Do Boxabl Homes Depreciate in Time?

Yes, Boxabl homes do not decrease in value over time. They are designed to last for years and require very little maintenance.

While traditional homes will be subject to wear and tear over many years Boxabl homes are designed to stand up to the elements and remain in good condition for a long time.

This makes them a smart option for those looking to live in a home that can hold its value over time.

Is Investing in Boxabl a Good Idea?

Is it worth buying a Boxabl home? If you’re in search of an investment that is smart and will grow over time and will appreciate over time, a Boxabl home is an excellent alternative. They offer a variety of benefits that are worth the cost.

The majority of people view their home as a space to reside and build families. But, your home can also be an investment. As time passes your home will appreciate, allowing you to accumulate cash that you can use for large-scale life expenses, for example, college tuition or the down payment for another home.

Is investing in boxabl a good idea? A Boxabl home is an excellent investment for a variety of reasons. Here are 19 points you should know before purchasing the Boxabl home:

Boxabl Homes are Legal in All States

Boxabl homes are legal in every state, with the exception of California. To be considered a legitimate home in California, the house must be constructed on a foundation that is permanent and connected to utilities.

But, Boxabl homes can be legally placed in California if they aren’t used for a full-time period.

Boxabl homes are also legal in Canada. There are no regulations in place for Tiny Homes in Canada, which means that provided that your Boxabl home complies with the rules of the local municipality, you will be able to park and reside there without a problem.

One of the most appealing aspects of Boxabl homes is that they can be modified to suit any climate. If you reside in an extremely hot desert or cold mountain the Boxabl home will be at ease all year long.

If you’re considering buying the purchase of a Boxabl home, make sure you do your research and consult with an expert before making any choices. With a bit of organization and selection, you’ll be able to benefit from the numerous advantages of having a Boxabl home for many years.

Boxable homes are Secure

Boxabl homes are made with reinforced steel, concrete, and other components which make them extremely secure.

They’re actually strong enough to endure earthquakes, hurricanes as well as tornadoes. So, if you’re searching for homes that keep your family and you secure, a home built by Boxabl is an excellent choice.

Another thing you should know before deciding whether or not to purchase the purchase of a Boxabl residence is they’re efficient in energy use.

You’ll save on your monthly energy bill each month. Also, because they’re extremely efficient at insulating, Boxabl homes are quiet. If you’re seeking peace and tranquil surroundings living in a Boxabl house is worth a look.

Investing in one of these homes is a smart choice that will provide your family and yourself with many years of pleasure.

Built to Withstand the Toughest Conditions

Boxabl homes are built to withstand the most severe winds that can be found in North America. They’ve been proven to withstand winds up to 140 miles per hour, which is equal to a category 5 hurricane.

This makes them among the safest investments for those who reside in areas that are prone to hurricanes.

Furthermore, Boxabl homes are also constructed with security against fire in the back of their minds. The walls are constructed of non-combustible material, as well as their roofings are constructed to ward off the spread of embers.

Boxabl Homes are Stackable

Boxabl homes are stackable, which means they can be quickly and effectively placed on top of one another. This makes them ideal for those who wish to reside in urban areas with limited space. In addition, since they’re modular, Boxabl homes could be easily moved when needed.

Another benefit that comes with Boxabl homes is that they are constructed entirely from recycled materials. This means they are very green and can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your home.

Furthermore, since they are constructed from reused materials Boxabl homes are very cost-effective.

In the end, Boxabl homes are incredibly sturdy and long-lasting. They are built to withstand extreme storms and torrential rains which makes them perfect for those living in areas with a high risk of hurricanes.

Furthermore, since they are extremely sturdy, Boxabl homes require very minimal maintenance, which could help you save money in the long run.

Boxabl Homes Have Toilets and Kitchens

The most important thing to think about before deciding to purchase a Boxabl home is how energy-efficient the property is.

Boxabl homes are designed with energy efficiency in mind which means that they require less energy to cool and heat. This will help you save money on your bills for utilities and increase the comfort of your home.

Boxed homes have also proven to be healthier for the environment since they emit less carbon dioxide than traditional houses.

Uses Top-quality Materials

Boxabl homes are built using top-quality materials and are built to last for a long time. It means the home you purchase will keep its value as time passes, in contrast to the majority of traditional homes which depreciate quickly.

Energy Efficient

Boxabl homes are extremely energy efficient. You’ll save money on monthly energy bills as well and your house will become more comfortable for you to live in.

Built Using Modern Technology

Boxabl homes are built using modern technology, which makes them robust and robust. Your home is built to stand up to the elements and will last for many generations.

Easy to Maintain

Boxabl homes are simple to maintain. This means you won’t have to devote lots of money or time to maintenance and repairs.

Appreciate at a Quick Pace

Boxabl homes appreciate at a quick pace because of the huge demand for these houses, as many people are seeking alternatives to traditional homes.


In general, the residential and ADU market has been growing rapidly in recent times, and it won’t go anywhere forever. Additionally, with stable and competitive costs I believe that Boxabls will provide a tempting alternative to traditional houses.

While the cost of houses and land will fluctuate in time, the cost of Boxabl’s will be constant. The empty land will remain an issue, but starting with a $50,000 box on it to get your house started up, and then after you’ve paid off the loan you are ready to add on your home or purchase an additional one.

For first-time homeowners, this is a perfect option. This is because the housing as well as ADU market is expected to increase in the coming years and is a fantastic market to be in now.

Even if the conventional housing market slows or stalls it won’t likely affect the value of Boxabl since their prices will remain steady because there will be a lingering demand for houses in the next few years.

In addition, the fact that this is the biggest market worldwide means it can’t get any more lucrative than that.

Market Differentiation

I’ve been working on making improvements and adding more information to my profile of companies I decided to split it into sub-topics to allow readers to understand the way each rating is carried out.

This section is divided into three sections: Their Business Model their Product and the IP of the company, as well as branding. These are two crucial elements, and that is 20 percent of 100 points are included in this segment.

Intellectual Branding

Intellectual Branding and Property With hundreds of patents either granted or pending, Boxabl’s IP portfolio is extremely solid.

Intellectual property is extremely important as home automation becomes a common method, not only can Boxabls patents hinder competitors, but they could also generate millions in revenues from licensing agreements.

Their patent portfolio can give them a two-decade advantage or generate millions in income. If this becomes a standard in the industry the patent portfolio of their company could be worth billions of dollars in the next few years.

Also, their brand name has always been excellent and it’s a very appealing, clean name. It makes the point clear and they’re excellent on this front.

Business Model and Product

They have an amazing business model as well as a product. Its business strategy is basic however, it is extremely efficient. It can bring in huge amounts of money and also has plenty of room to grow. Although the base model Boxabls retails for $50,000, you can easily add different features to each box so that they can turn the cost into a significantly more substantial check.

Also, the capacity to grow and create modular housing allows people to buy several units at one time or buy more over the years to complement their initial Boxabl.

It is also possible for smaller units starting at less than $50,000 that include things such as Home Offices Garages, storage areas, and a lot of others.

The whole thing will result in continuously growing margins and an enormous competitive advantage when they can entirely, or almost completely automate the process in order in order to lower the cost of labor.

Modular houses have been tested with mixed results in numerous cases throughout history, however, Boxabl certainly appears to be the leader in this area. They’re doing an excellent job right now and have plenty of room for growth.

There is no doubt that there are huge levels of competition that come from conventional home builders ADU makers, RVs 3D printed homes, and much more.

But, the market is so huge in this area, and there is an extremely high demand for their product that there aren’t many concerns to me personally.


This is among the weaker aspects. Although their financials do not show income, they have begun shipping Boxabls and making them at the rate of two per day.

They’ve already produced more than 100 boxes this year, and are planning to increase the rate to 4 per day in the coming months.

This means they are likely to be earning between $35 and $60 million in revenues this year, in the event of 365 working days and based on when they make the conversion.

It also assumes a revenue of $50,000 per Boxabl. This could be increased if they can further make it profitable. It means that their value is between 50 and 80 times this year’s revenue.

The rule is that anything higher than 10x forward revenues is expensive for the majority of sectors. But this might be a lot more. It will go on for months but it’s not likely that you’ll get the chance to invest in this price at some point in the future, however, it could be worthwhile.

It’s also contingent on the type of industry you define this to be. Many high-growth companies can afford to pay an acceptable multiple since they can afford that luxury however, the majority of construction firms operate around 1-2x.

But, they can take advantage of a huge IP portfolio and focus on automation and industrialization, ADUs, and a range of other industries. They tend to have more favorable multiples, so based on what you categorize this as it might be more beneficial.

When it comes to mitigating the risk the strong IP portfolio and high growth rate, a lot of demand, and a lot of pre-orders can aid in improving the situation.

Financials and Valuation

If there’s one area where the business isn’t doing well in most, it’s this. The valuation may be a little excessive, while the revenues are at a low level and all we have to invest on are estimates.

Financials and Revenue

They’ve been fundraising for the last year in a row and are currently bringing in $100,000 per day in revenues (Well it is possible that some of the revenue will be delayed or paid overtime but they still) thus they are likely to be strong.

But, given that they are increasing their production speed quickly and are building a huge factory (Their utilization of funds is to construct a billion-dollar factory).

It is most likely to exhaust their funds, which could be an issue. They have built a complete factory from scratch to producing 2 boxes per day in just a few months, so this strategy of high growth is great for investors however, mistakes can be detrimental.

They’re currently raising $ 1bn or more for a huge manufacturing facility, which would be incredible if they build it and are successful but if they are forced to take on a lot of debt, or if things do not go according to plan, it could turn into a disaster.

The revenue growth is steady and growing quickly, however, concerning the value, the company’s performance is not as high at the moment. Companies with high growth, including companies in the crowdfunding industry, receive a higher price but it’s expensive.

They have an easy path to increasing the revenue they earn and plenty of chances to increase revenue through IP licensing, the upcharges for Casitas, and so on, so it has a high score.


Their speed has been unquestionably strong. The first day of their launch was the biggest one-day amount ever raised on StartEngine They’ve also been contacted by Elon and have sufficient reservations that could last for the next 10 years If they could double the amount they currently produce.

With the pre-orders of 80,000, they could make 20 Boxabls every day ($365m annually) It could take them a decade to complete the current orders. In addition, they’ll likely receive more orders during that time and production will be the only thing to consider.

According to my understanding, it’s not 80,000 units that have been pre-ordered but rather 80,000 customers indicating they are willing to purchase. This includes a variety of big real estate companies, such as an agreement with D.R. Horton the largest home builder in the U.S.

It’s therefore likely that Horton’s 80,000 employees are significantly more. Naturally, they’re able to remain in operation without any significant advertising shortly.

Exit Potential and ‘X Factor

Most companies are looking at an IPO when they reach the threshold of $100 million per year. Boxabl will likely surpass the threshold in 2023, and it has an easy ramp-up to the possibility of billions in revenue, as they continuously build more houses.

The IPO opportunity here is as good as you can receive from a company, however, it’s only a matter of the right time. “X-Factor,” as it’s known “X-Factor” is a kind of thing that I am adding, but mostly for the cool aspects of the company.

This is a good example. Elon Musk owns one and it’s located on his Starbase as well as has posted tweets about Boxabl several times, which is huge.

Furthermore, they’ve got unimaginably high levels of interest in the most profitable markets which may ever be. North America and Europe are nearing the edge of an economic crisis in the housing market traditional materials are not in abundance and prices are rising.

The time to consider alternatives is never better than ever. Combine all this in conjunction with the massive consumer demand and I’m convinced that it could be a $100 billion-plus company in the next 10 years.


Have You Heard that Elon Musk Invest in Boxabl?

After more than a year of heated speculation over whether Tesla as well as SpaceX CEO is calling the tiny, extremely cheap prefabricated home “home,” Musk himself has now clarified Yes, he has a boxabl casita. Yes, it’s fantastic and it was true that he did stay for long periods in it.

Who Has Invested in Boxabl?

Boxabl has three investors comprising Zain Jaffer as well as Keri Waters.

Is Boxabl on the Stock Market?

Boxabl sells a private share of our business today. Shortly, we plan to make our company public via IPO, SPAC, or direct listing.

Will Boxabl Go Public?

After taking into account the uncertainty of markets and possible negatives, I believe Boxabl might be considering the possibility of an IPO at some point in the latter half of 2024 or in the early or mid-2025, which is realistic. If the current economic downturn lasted for at least a year and it was a bit longer, it could be more than that.

Can I Purchase Boxabl Stock?

Boxabl is a privately owned company that is not listed on the NYSE as well as NASDAQ in the U.S. For the purchase of shares in a pre-IPO of a private company, you must become an approved investor. Find out more about how you can invest in the private market or join today to start.

Is it Worth Buying a Boxabl Home? (Summary)

Is Boxabl a Good Investment? Boxabl Homes is the latest design in housing technology, offering an innovative and practical option to live in.

They are constructed of modular components that are easy to put together and disassemble, which makes them ideal for those who are frequently moving or have small living spaces.

Boxabl homes are a good option for those looking to live in a green home. They are ideal for homeowners who wish to cut down their living areas. They are easy to keep and easy to sell. Another reason to consider investing in the Boxabl home is the fact that they are energy-efficient.

In the end, the company is robust and the primary problem is the valuation. Although it’s expensive, others of the company are very robust.

The primary consideration here is whether you believe that they can complete their ramp-up using their huge factory and if their current price is worth it soon.

There is a chance that they won’t get another Equity Crowdfunding campaign soon, and this could be the final chance for retail to get an IPO. But, if they get another raise, do you think that it will be at less or equal value?

If you’re in search of an innovative and thrilling method of living look into Boxabl Homes today! Explore the various options available on our website.

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Dibyajyoti Bordoloi (CS, MBA Finance & Accounting) is the founder of He is a Practising Company Secretary and a real estate and stock market investor. He is the owner of CS Bordoloi and Associates. He is a commerce graduate from Darrang College, Tezpur, Assam. Later on, he pursued his higher studies at the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), and completed his MBA (Finance) degree from Guwahati University. With over 16 years of experience in finance and accounting, he teaches personal finance to non-technical common people like you how to do it the right way. He is a proud member of the Chamber of Real Estate and Builders Association (North-East India). He is also a successful Investor and Trader in Equities and Real Estate.